Vellum Founder Jim Winn speaks at forum

Vellum Industrial Photography

Vellum Industrial Media’s Jim Winn was invited to speak Tuesday at “Conquering the Conventional: Because journalism isn’t dying and neither are we,” a forum organized by the Student Publications department at the University of Kentucky.  As a former newspaper photojournalist with a degree in photojournalism from Western Kentucky University, Winn served as one of four panelists who discussed alternative jobs for graduates in the midst of news of layoffs at newspapers around the country.

The other panelists included Stephen George, editor of LEO Weekly, Saraya Brewer, managing editor of Chevy Chaser and Southsider Magazines, and Rob Theakston, editor of May May Barton, Kernel Kernel design adviser and previous design director for the Herald-Leader, served as the moderator for the forum.

Vellum Industrial Photography

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